Financial Coaching Services

financial coach services

Financial coaching services are a powerful way for you to change your situation for the better. As your coach, I walk alongside you every step of the way to show you how to pay off your debts, build an emergency fund, save for retirement, and achieve whatever other financial goals you may have.

Personal finance can be an intimidating and scary subject. Tens of millions of Americans struggle to pay their bills each month, and many worry that they will not have enough money when they retire.

Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be this way. No matter what your age or financial situation is, you have the power to make transformational choices in your life. I will help you live at a higher level of existence and achieve the dreams you previously thought were impossible.

Here are some of the ways I will help you make that happen:

  • Monthly budgeting
  • Practicing generosity
  • Achieving debt-freedom
  • Developing a wealth mentality
  • Establishing an emergency fund
  • Saving for college or paying for a new degree
  • Buying a house or paying off your current house
  • Handling and negotiating with collections agencies
  • Understanding how to build your retirement nest egg
  • Avoiding bankruptcies, foreclosures, and repossessions

We will discuss these topics during one of the following appointment types.

Financial Coaching Services

Discovery Session – One Hour

During a Discovery Session, we will discuss the overview of your financial situation and what your short and long-term goals are. The Discovery Session is a complimentary, no-obligation service I offer to anyone who is interested in changing their financial situation. At the end of the session, we can then discuss the coaching process and what that will look like for you.

Monthly Coaching Sessions

This financial coaching service is a commitment between the coach and the client. This will consist of 60-90 minute coaching sessions spread out over a period of time, anywhere from 3 to 12 months. My objective is to help you transform your beliefs, mindset, and habits, with all the benefits that come from that.

By meeting with me consistently over a period of time, you will be able to work through a budgeting cycle. When we see what things went right, and what needs adjustment, we can make changes together in follow-up sessions. We will track your progress and measure how far you’ve come, and what is left for you to achieve your goals.

The length of time to which we commit depends on your needs. What works for one person may be insufficient for another. But for all clients, I aim to help you become a powerful and independent decision-maker so that you can achieve the best financial future possible.

Workshops and Events

In a workshop, we will engage in a dynamic and fun conversation about whatever topic about personal finance you’d like. This can range from budgeting, paying off debt, mentalities and goal-setting, to basics of retirement planning. These educational workshops are custom-built to your needs.

View my workshop and class page for more details and to get in touch with me about your event.

Employee Financial Wellness

American businesses lose nearly half a trillion dollars per year due to employee financial stress. I’ve developed a program for businesses to offer their workforces as a benefit to help them relieve this stress. By investing in their well-being, your business will recuperate revenue you didn’t even know you were losing.

Visit my Employee Financial Wellness Program page to see just how costly employee financial stress is and how my program can help.

What Does Pricing Look Like?

Pricing depends on the client’s situation. Think of it like going to your mechanic to look at your car. It’s impossible to know the service cost unless the mechanic takes a look into the car’s status. That same principle applies to a coaching client’s situation. Each person’s situation will vary, and their needs will as well.

Some may need basic budgeting help; others may be able to budget but have crushing debt and feel hopeless. My coaching fees depend on what you need and your overall financial situation. This is the purpose of the Discovery Session: to do that inspection and to know what the proper remedy is.

As I make clear in my mission statement, my goal is to help you become independent. I have to do my part to ensure that you will be able to stay on course without constantly needing my help.

As a coach, it’s my responsibility to help you be the hero of your story, not me.

No matter how bleak your situation may look today, there is hope for tomorrow. My financial coaching services can be applied to a wide variety of situations. I will help you see that the future doesn’t have to look as dark as it might today.

Ready to start your financial transformation? Schedule your free Discovery Session to see how you can achieve lasting financial freedom!

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DISCLAIMER: None of my financial coaching services are to be taken as official legal, accounting, or estate planning advice. My services constitute teaching practical financial habits and assisting in changing how clients manage their money on a daily basis. In my coaching practice, I do not make recommendations for investment options, sell insurance products, write wills, process real estate transactions, or offer tax advice. If you need legal, tax, real estate, insurance, or investment guidance, I will refer you to a professional in my network.